Leadership Development Program

Leadership Development Program

The Bronte College Leadership Development Program is a unique opportunity for students to grow, learn, and excel both academically and personally. By participating in this program, all students will be better prepared to navigate the challenges of high school and beyond, all while fostering a strong sense of leadership and well-being. 

At Bronte College, we are committed to nurturing well-rounded and empowered individuals. Our Leadership Development Program is specially designed to foster leadership skills, promote personal growth, and prioritize the health and wellness of our students. Students benefit from: 

  • Health and Wellness Workshops 
  • Guest Speakers 
  • Community Engagement 
  • Team Building  
  • Competitive House Events 

Some activities and topics are grade specific, ensuring our grade 9 and 10 students benefit from strong support and guidance, and have opportunities to bond with peers, and develop independent living skills while under the care of our Guidance and Campus Life teams and nursing staff. Our Campus Life Program compliments the goals of the Leadership Development Program by offering our younger boarding students many opportunities to travel off campus and explore the Greater Toronto area, in a supervised setting. Mandatory study hall ensures the development of strong study habits, while our senior students enjoy opportunities to implement their leadership skills training by becoming school leaders and role models. Opportunities include: 

  • Leadership clubs such as the Prefects and Student Athletic Council 
  • Student Resident Donship 
  • Extra-Curricular Club leadership and Varsity Team coaching 
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award program 

Duke of Edinburgh Award Program 

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is an optional program for our most ambitious students. Designed to build essential life skills and boost personal development, the internationally recognized program empowers youth to challenge themselves across four key areas: volunteering, physical activity, skill development and an adventurous journey. Each year at Bronte College, we offer students the opportunities to meet these requirements through clubs, activities, community projects, and our annual camping excursion to Muskoka, Ontario.